Epoch Info (current epoch)
Receive a JSON object with information for the current epoch
Includes start time and slot, current slot height, epoch duration in seconds as well as seconds elapsed and remaining in the epoch, and the estimated epochs per year based on this epoch's current estimated duration.
Epoch history (any epoch)
Receive a JSON object with information on a past epoch.
Includes start and end times as well as its duration in seconds. If the epoch passed is the current epoch the end time and duration are estimates based on average slot times in the current epoch.
Returns false if the epoch isn't found (HTTP 200 OK with payload of false). Some historical epochs don't have block times available to provide start and end times.
Epoch history (all epochs)
Receive a JSON object with all available historical epochs.
Returns all available historical epochs with their start and end times as well as duration in seconds.
Last updated